Friday, September 30, 2011

Communication quiz

The quizzes we took this week focused on listening styles, verbal aggression, and communication anxiety. I asked a co-worker and my son to take the same quizzes (about me, not them) and then we compared answers.  In many ways our opinions were similar. However, I feel that I look and act very nervous when communicating with a group. I think I tend to blush and sometimes stammer. My other test-takers, though, indicated that they viewed me as being very comfortable communicating in group situations. I guess my body language shows a higher level of confidence than I really possess - I was happy about that.  :  )


1.      I have learned that the messages we think we are conveying are sometimes perceived quite differently by other people. Therefore, it is important to get our true meaning across in communication.

2. I have learned that body language and facial expression are equally as important in communication as the spoken word is. Therefore, we need to be aware of our body language, as well as the body language of others when we are communicating.

1 comment:

  1. Ellen,
    Body language and facial expressions are some times more important than the spoken word, I think there are times when they are more influential then what is being said, especially when they speak louder than the spoken word. I bet it was nice to learn you hide your fears well and come across confident though!
