Saturday, September 10, 2011


My son Jake is a great communicator, which is kind of interesting as he is actually very shy. He presents his ideas clearly and factually. There is rarely drama of any kind with him. He listens well and thinks about what he hears before replying. He is willing to consider opinions and ideas that may be different from his own.

I admire him for those excellent communication skills.

His brother, father, and I all tend to be loud, dramatic, and somewhat pigheaded. This can lead to arguments, with everyone trying to be heard at one time. Stressful! Jake usually listens calmly in the background during these episodes. When he speaks up, however, we all stop talking and listen attentively to him. Generally speaking, his observations and opinions are well thought out, and a solution or compromise is quickly found.

1 comment:

  1. Ellen,
    That is a great quality your son has, that behavior is very beneficial. Many times when communicating especially when angry people do not hear what is being said. Staying calm, listening, and thinking before speaking can solve many problems. This trait will take him a long way.
