Saturday, September 24, 2011

Communication style

My communication style definitely varies with different groups. If I am speaking with the staff at my center, I tend to be very definite in what I say. I want them to listen carefully and follow my direction. At home with my children, I communicate in a similar style but also can relax and joke around. It’s a lot more casual. If I am speaking with someone from a different culture, I am much more tentative in my speech – I want the other person to take control of the conversation. I tend to ask a lot of questions and try to convey a feeling of goodwill.  I want them to feel comfortable with me, and understand that I am a respectful and receptive communicator.

Right off the bat, these strategies for communication come to mind:

When listening to someone, don’t talk to other people, look around the room, check text messages, or interrupt!  Let the person finish speaking, listen carefully to what they are saying, and make eye contact with them while they talk.

Pay attention to your facial expressions and body language. Either can give messages that reveal more than you want to, or that may be misleading and / or confusing.

Try not to be judgmental. We all have our own beliefs and feelings about things - that individuality should be accepted and respected.


  1. Ellen I am big on giving the speaker eye contact however,if the conversation is too long my attention will wonder away and that awful cell phone will emerge. I'm working on that by not even having it accessible during meetings.

  2. Hey Ellen,

    I think you made some great points about listening skills helping to better communicate. Especially the ones about body language and facial expressions. Very true!
