Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last week of EDUC-6164-1 Perspectives on Diversity and Equity

One goal that I have for the early childhood field that is related to issues of equity, diversity, and social justice is a growing awareness in ECE programs of the need for diversity training for employees. There can be little change until that happens, in my opinion.

One hope that I have is that, with ample training, more and more centers will become diversity-friendly. As always, I feel most teachers WANT to do the right thing for their students. It is simply a lack of education and training that holds them back. I really hope this will begin to change soon.

I have greatly enjoyed learning from all of my colleagues. Your experiences, whether different or similar to my own, are a wonderful source of education and inspiration. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Ellen,
    Great post I believe teachers do want to do the right thing. Hopefully administrators and people of power realize how important it is to educate and train teachers on how to teach and embrace diversity.
