Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perspectives on Diversity and Equity

If I had to quickly move to another country and could only take 3 small things, I would bring:

1. My mini laptop. It has my friends and family in it. Once there, I would search every bit of that country until I found internet. So much of my daily interaction is conducted online these days that I could be in Siberia and, as long as there was internet, still remain in contact with everyone I care about.

2. My engagement ring. It reminds me of the good times in life to look forward to.

3. My Ipod, so I could listen to familiar music no matter where I was.

I would be pretty sad if I had to give up two of the items. I would choose to keep the laptop because it would do the most to keep me in touch with my old life in this country.

In doing this exercise, I learned that interaction with the people I care about  is more important to me than possesions are. Also, that people who immigrate to a new country must feel much like their former lives and friends have been stripped away. That loss would be extremely difficult to overcome.


  1. Hi Ellen,

    It really is all about the people in our lives isn't it? I had the same mindset. Yes I would most defintely miss all my "stuff", miss "home", and probably be sad. But if I had my family with me I could find a way to survive. Stuff can be replaced, but people cannot be!

  2. Ellen,
    Like you, I was thinking about taking my laptop with me. I didn't even think about how it could help to stay in contact with others. However, I think that is a great idea and plan. I agree with you that I could also leave behind most of my possessions as long as I could be with my loved ones. Thanks for the great post this week.
