Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Building Research Competencies Week 8

I have to say that I just dreaded this class. I am not a ‘facts and figures’ kind of person, hate dry reading, not a fan of research...

In some ways, it was every bit as horrible challenging as I thought it might be. I hated the endless reading, forgot the meanings of terms, mixed up the answers on worksheets, panicked about the applications, and resigned myself to getting a lousy grade. In the end, though, it all came together and I did well. Yay!  I am very grateful to the awesome (and patient!) Dr. Ferrari. She really helped to guide me and relieved a lot of my anxiety with her explanations and good humor!  :  )

One of the big lessons I learned is how important it is to carefully follow all of the steps necessary to ensure equity and validity in your research. This includes recognizing and addressing our own personal biases. You can’t achieve accurate, unbiased results without a lot of effort and skill. Also, I learned that when conducting research on children, it is vitally important to make sure parents are in agreement with their child’s involvement – and that children are not coerced into doing anything that may be physically or emotionally harmful to them.

Before this class, I didn’t really give research much thought, and didn’t consider it to have much to do with my own job. However,
I have learned that research is extremely important in the early childhood field, partly because research results are the basis for most, if not all, policy-making and program funding.

I’m pretty sure the end of this class means we are halfway thru our MSECS degree. Hooray for that and thanks to all of you who are on this path with me. Your comments and advice, here and on the DB, have been great!


  1. Ellen I agree that when I first saw that I had to do a research class I was not very happy. Research reminds me of math and math was my worst subject in school. I have learned a lot!! Thanks for all your great post!!

  2. Ellen I really did dread this class. Unlike you my opinion did not change at the end. There is so much about research papers that I learned about. Just happy that I and we made it to the end. Good Luck!!!! Thanks for an honest post!!!

  3. Half way? Really? Wow! I guess I hadn't realized exactly where we are, but that's really good to know. We're are the top of the hill!! YEAH!

    I actually like research. It fascinates me. Yet, I do agree that the readings and terms are not easy. Research has that stigma of being complicated, and I think I totally underestimated just how complicated it truly was. I can't say I'll be giving up my day job to be a researcher, but I do have a new found respect for those that dedicate their lives to this important work.

    Enjoy your summer Ellen. Take at least a little time to relax. You deserve it.
