Thursday, December 15, 2011

Week 8 already! Wow!

During this course, I have learned so much about bias and how we must look into ourselves first before beginning to try to change the way others think, feel, and believe. One goal that I have for the early childhood field that is related to issues of diversity and equality is a growing awareness in ECE programs of the need for diversity training for employees. There can be little change until that happens, in my opinion.

One hope that I have is that, with ample training, more and more centers will become diversity-friendly. I feel most teachers WANT to do the right thing for their students. It is simply a lack of education and training that holds them back. I really hope this will begin to change soon.

I have greatly enjoyed learning from all of my colleagues. Your experiences, whether different or similar to my own, are a wonderful source of education and inspiration. Thank you!


  1. Hi Ellen,

    I want to thank you for all your help and guidance throughout the program. I have learned a lot from you as well and I know that I will learn more from you in the next two courses.
    I also feel that we need to learn about ourselves before we try to change other people's minds.

  2. Ellen,
    I agree that it is so important for any center or school to provide employees with diversity training. It should also be a part of certification and degree programs.

  3. Ellen,
    I believe training is the only way for this issue to become apart of ECE. I believe educators will be able to better asisst with the families and the children if the proper training was given to them.
