Saturday, June 4, 2011

Research Around The World

The website that I visited was early Childhood Australia. There is an extensive research section (Research Practice Series) in the RIPS listing. There were over 25 resources listed, covering a wide variety of current international research topics, such as child development, literacy, and diversity. The information was easy to locate and read – a helpful resource for child care professionals.

I was surprised to find that many of the issues discussed on the website are also issues that we deal with here in the US. One of the more noteworthy topics was about early childhood reforms, and how different states rate in the implementation of them. Another focused on how teachers in the US teach math; it was very interesting to read some opinions about US teachers that were a little less than stellar!

 I was surprised to read an article about how to minimize stress in young schoolchildren. Once the novelty of being in ‘real school’ wears off, the first year of school can be exhausting and difficult for young children!

Overall, I found this website to be well-organized and full of useful information for early childhood professionals.

1 comment:

  1. I found it interesting that some of the international topics I read about were also in relation to USA topics as well. It may sound crazy, but I hardly have thought of young children being stressed in school. But I suppose young children could experience stress especially in the early years. I know children experience challenges being away from parents, but I wonder how stressful it is for kinders.
