Monday, March 21, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

I have been studying the Zero to Three website This website covers such issues as Public Policy, Behavior and Development, Care and Education, Maltreatment. The Maltreatment section focuses on child abuse and neglect. There are assorted resources for caregivers and parents in this area of the website, including a rather alarming list of the various ways children are impacted by trauma. That link is
The Public Policy section focuses on different states and communities, regulations and laws, politics and how lawmakers support efforts to care for and educate young children. For instance, in Kansas, The Children’s Initiative Fund has designed an accountability system that includes a unique component: Alignment With Priorities. Essentially, this component is responsible for tailoring the goals of the organization so they are always in sync with current political focus. Since the Cabinet is a political entity, this is necessary to ensure continuous funding.

I am particularly interested in the Care and Education articles. This section focuses on:

·           Core information about how children develop school readiness skills and how parents and care givers can nurture and support these skills in young children.
·           Video clips that show children learning these skills through everyday interactions with their parents.
·           Parent-child activities which provide fun ideas for helping children develop school readiness skills.
·           Frequently asked questions that offer answers to common questions about learning.    
The specific areas of development this area of the website focuses on are language and literacy, self confidence, thinking skills, and self control. I work in the toddler room at my school, so I really enjoy articles that address this age group.
In the ‘What’s New” section, I learned about new Infant/Toddler Early Learning Guidelines from the National Infant and Toddler Child Care Initiative. The link to that information is
The Zero to Three website is a comprehensive assortment of extremely valuable articles, tips, links to related sites, and information for anyone who is involved with the care and education of children from birth to three years


  1. I chose the same site! I love it - very informative and useful in my current position. I too love the developmental areas...its nice to have a reference point. Great job!

  2. Ellen,

    Prior to moving to Florida for the internship, I was stationed at an Air Force Base in Missouri and I am familiar with The Children’s Initiative Fund for Kansas, as Missouri and Kansas work relatively close together. Kansas and Missouri have some excellent initiative for accountability in early childhood, as well as some excellent initiatives for early childhood professionals to ensure qualified teachers. In fact, prior to moving there, we were actually concerned at the quality of education in general, as it is a rather rural environment, which was rather biased of us. However, we found that the schools offered great educations and were very well supported by the community. We pay quite a high school tax, I believe it was 1600$ this year, a tax that is paid by every city/town limit home owner, but surprisingly, I would have to say the schools actually benefit from the money.

