Saturday, March 5, 2011

Early Childhood professional contacts in other countries

I was fortunate enough to have fairly easy access to two people in the Early Childhood field who are working in other countries. I got their names through the advising office at the University of Massachusetts, where I got my BA.  I emailed them and received quick replies- both were happy to answer any questions I might have. I began by asking them what led to their current work in other countries.

The two Early Childhood professionals I made contact with are in Nepal and Ireland.

Nancy B works as a teacher at the Lincoln School in Kathmandu, Nepal. Their website is Nancy works with the Pre –kindergarten class. She is an assistant teacher. Nancy is from Boston, Ma. She first heard of Lincoln School when she saw a ‘help wanted’ ad in her local newspaper. Intrigued, she contacted the hiring agency. Nancy was interested in working with children from another country...and .Nepal is about as far away from Boston as you can get!

My other contact person, Jill C, lives in Westmeath, Ireland. She is a teacher at the Saplings school. Sapling schools are located across Ireland. They work exclusively with Autistic children. This is their website: .  Jill was living  in Cambridge, Ma. and working with autistic children when she went on a vacation to Ireland in 2008.  While there, she met her future husband. Jill moved to Ireland in 2008.

I am looking forward to learning more about Nancy and Jill and the work that they do!

The website I chose to  share is . It is a very detailed collection of helpful articles, links, and information for those who wish to learn more about and promote the health and development of infants and toddlers. It is updated on a monthly basis, with news articles, ideas, learning activities, and information links.

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