Monday, March 7, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

Zero to Three website, , is a comprehensive collection of helpful articles, links, and information for those who wish to learn more about and promote the health and development of infants and toddlers.
The website is divided up into four learning sections- Behavior and Development, Maltreatment, Care and Education, and Public Policy. Click on any of these headings and you will be taken to a page dedicated to that subject. Included are articles, helpful hints, resources for more information, and links to related subjects. For example, the Behavior and Development page contains articles on Brain Development, Early Childhood Mental Health, Nutrition, Temperament and Behavior, Sleep, etc. Also included are interactive tools, parent handouts, charts, Tip Sheets, a FAQ page, and power point slide shows.
On the right side of the Home page is a helpful feature called Find It Fast. Simply select a key topic from a pull down menu (for example, Challenging Behaviors), click on it, and that page opens up without your having to sort through the different sections to find it – very handy, indeed. Located directly under this is another highlight of this website - the Download of The Week. This week’s offering is The Magic of Everyday Moments™ 24 to 36 Months, and is an additional resource containing in-depth information on how children grow and develop from 24 to 36 Months. Included are assorted tips for parents on nurturing their children's healthy development through everyday routines and interactions. Also very informative is the video one can access directly on the home page. Entitled A Window to the World: Promoting Early Language and Literacy Development, the video illustrates how early language and literacy development directly contribute to a child’s success throughout life.
I recommend this website to the parents of toddlers at my center, and often get positive feedback from them.

1 comment:

  1. I like the parent tips that this site shares. I have enjoyed this site in the past and know you will as well. Although I don't have toddlers I do have students on a toddler level that this information would be useful to.
