Friday, January 7, 2011



I chose the subject of malnutrition because it's such a big problem for so many children.
Hunger is not only painful, it also stunts a child's growth and hampers development. Malnutrition affects a percentage of people in most countries, even bountiful America. It is most prevalent in developing countries, such as Rwanda, where 45% of children are malnourished. It is a problem the Ministry of Health is working hard to address, according to the Director General, Dr. Gamaliel Binamungu.

"Ready-to-use foods have reached various health centres in the country and by the beginning of next week; malnourished children will be able to access the products. Close follow up on these children will also continue to get their health back to normal. Our children are our future so we must raise healthy generations for tomorrow," Binamungu said.

As the director of a child care center, part of my job is to make absolutely sure I am cognizant of each child's quality of life, and to offer my assistance to families in need. It can be very confusing and even frightening for people to locate and apply for food, shelter, and medical services for themselves and their children. Sometimes a little direction and encouragement is all they need to cross that bridge between hunger and help.

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