Wednesday, October 12, 2011


When I think of the adjournment phase of team building, I picture a whole group of happy, relaxed people. The pressure is off, the goals have been accomplished, and now is the time to rehash how it all went – what worked well, what didn’t turn out so well, what would be changed if we did it again.

It’s a very enjoyable and meaningful phase, I feel.

I had that sort of ‘ending’ experience at the end of my BA degree. There were a group of us who had been in the same classes for the previous 3 years. During this time, we had all helped each other with the various assignments and had worked as teams with each other many times.  We all met up in the school chat room and basically relived the whole experience. We talked about how much we had learned from each other, how we would use what we had learned, and what our future plans were. It was a nice way to end a long partnership.

I hope to have much the same adjournment phase with my colleagues here at Walden. I would also like to make plans to stay in touch after we graduate. I am friends with a few on Facebook, but would definitely like to add more.


  1. Ellen,

    I think the adjourning phase is meaningful and enjoyable stage as well. It is a time for relfection and goodbyes or reflection and future plans. I would also like to stay in touch with colleagues after graduation, as we share a common passion.


  2. Hi Ellen,

    I enjoyed your post and feel the same about adjournment. I think it is essential to recall envents in order to learn from them. I would also like to keep in touch after graduation.

  3. I wish that we (my undergrad) classmates had had some sort of closure activity. I felt like we just graduated and scattered. I hope that we continue to stay in contact. I really appreciate how you reached out to me!
