Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 7: DEC and NAEYC Code of Ethics

DEC and NAEYC Code of Ethics:

The DEC guides the principles of conduct and research relating to appropriate professional practice with young children with disabilities, their families, and with interdisciplinary colleagues. The NAEYC offers guidelines for appropriate ethical behavior that all professionals dealing with young children should follow.

I feel that we can best help our students and their families by staying current with teaching trends and research, respecting the differences in others, and providing services that meet each person’s unique circumstances and needs. Below are a few of the ideals that I feel are of particular importance in our work with young children:

1. To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training. (NAEYC)

2. We shall demonstrate in our behavior and language respect and appreciation for the unique value and human potential of each child. (DEC)

3.  We shall provide services and supports to children and families in a fair and equitable manner while respecting families, culture, race, language, socioeconomic status, marital status and sexual orientation (DEC)


  1. I love your first NAEYC post. Its so true! We must stay abreast of our field in order to continue to help students. We must be role models for our students by continuing our education and stay informed of continued development in education.

  2. I agree with Shayla, I do love this post on NAEYC. I especially liked a particular part of your comment when u said: respecting the differences in others, and providing services that meet each person’s unique circumstances and needs. THAT POINT RIGHT THERE IS A WINNER!!! Because what is good for one child is not good for all children. They may age the same but the learn differently!

  3. You and I chose the same post for number one. I agree with Shayla, It is essential that we stay abreast of our field in order to educate and help others. We've already taken the first step by making a commitment to taking this course; thus becoming stronger leaders in our profession so that we can empower others to become leaders in the early childhood field.
