Sunday, September 12, 2010

Discussion 1

During the first week, we posted on a discussion board about our education and employment experience. I would have to say the group has a real assortment of ages and experience levels. That's good- otherwise, we'd all be the same and wouldn't learn as much from each other's experiences. Plus, it just wouldn't be as interesting.

I'm hoping to have a lot of communication with my fellow Waldenites. I have been looking for a way to post a new thread in the Student Lounge, asking people to share where they live-curious to see if there are any other MA students, but no luck.  :  (

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you havn't found anyone from MA yet but I am from PA, lol. I like your post I think you'll be an interesting person to "follow". "blog" with you soon. Take care

