Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time Well Spent...

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. ~Frederick Douglass

One of the most important lessons I have learned throughout this degree program is that we must look past our own biases in order to listen and learn with an open mind.

We must set goals for our work with children, and make sure we are staying focused on these goals. Only then will be able to assess our effectiveness and make changes, if necessary, to better meet the needs of our students and their families.

We must strive to stay abreast of new developments, research, and theories relating to early education and care. By keeping informed of relevant information, we can offer our students the best possible environments for exploring and learning safely and effectively.

 I belong to a local organization that is devoted to providing resources to the needy in our city. As a member of the Partnership for Parents and Families, my child care center is connected with mental health professionals, doctors, fuel and rent assistance organizations, hunger relief organizations, and other resources.  Eventually, my goal is to team up with the Partnership and use my M.S in Early Childhood Studies to offer workshops and trainings to other providers in the community. The courses at Walden have been extremely helpful in helping me focus on where I want to help, what qualities I will need to provide that help, and how to put it all together.

 I would like to give a big thanks to all of you who have shared this journey with me. I wish you all the best of luck as you continue your work in the early education field.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

World Vision is a worldwide organization that relies primarily on private/public sponsorship to help meet their goal of assisting children all over the world. This organization serves over 100 million children in nearly 100 countries.  The World Vision organization strives to help meet the basic needs of children, in addition to providing them with a good education. This organization does not have any job opportunities that I am qualified for because they only seem to have corporate positions. Available. For more information, you can visit their website at

Save the Children is a very large organization that serves over 120 nations by helping poverty-stricken children and their families. The organization strives to assist these children by protecting them from exploitation. They provide needy families with housing, medical, and education benefits. Some of the populations they help have been greatly affected by natural disasters, wars, and ethnic cleansings. In order to be a successful member of this organization, it would be imperative to be a real ‘hands on’ worker and have excellent communication skills. There are some openings for volunteers in the Washington, DC area.

The World Forum Foundation is an organization which brings early childhood educators from all over the globe together to brainstorm ideas and launch projects that affect children worldwide.  At World Forum gatherings people come together to launch global projects on specific issues and topics. Current projects focus on AIDS and young children, peace education, teacher education, and immigration and young children. In order to be a member of this group, one would have to possess a real desire to improve early childhood education on a global basis. There are no job openings with the World Forum Foundation at this time.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

My first federal organization is the Early Intervention Program. This program is geared towards early (birth-3) detection and assistance with potential special needs. The earlier children are given treatment or therapy, the more successful  they are likely to  be with that treatment. I would like to work as a speech therapist with the Early Intervention Program. I would need a BS in ECE with a Special Needs specialization, and a sincere desire to help children get the best possible results with their treatments.

Next is the National School Lunch Program. The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program operating in over 101,000 public and non‐profit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low‐cost or free lunches to more than 31 million children each school day. If I were to work for this program, I would need to travel a lot, as they do site visits all across the country.

Last is the Federal Weatherization Program. The Federal Weatherization Program is designed to help low-income families reduce their fuel bills by making their homes more energy-efficient. If I worked for this program, I would need good ‘people’ skills, as much of the job would require home visits. I would need to travel quite a bit, as well.

None of these programs is hiring right now, but one can submit an application online for each of them.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community

My first organization is Pathways For Children. They are located in my city -  Gloucester, Ma.. The goal of Pathways is to offer a quality early childhood experience to children whose families would otherwise not be able to afford it. They really make a difference in the lives of many children. Pathways For Children gets a lot of grants. They get the rest of their money through fund-raising. LOTS of fund-raising.. I would be interested in employment with Pathways For Children as a program director. If I were to work for Pathways, I would need to be very well versed in grant-writing, and willing to fund raise pretty much year-round.

My second is a state organization – the Dept. of Early Education and Care. This organization is responsible for setting and enforcing the rules and regulations for child care in MA. In order to open a child care center, preschool, after school program, or summer camp, a licensor from the EEC must make a visit to determine if you meet state standards for space, staff, and policies. I feel they do a good job of ensuring a safe environment for the children in Massachusetts. I would like to be hired as a Licensor. In order to gain employment with the EEC, I would need a BA in early childhood education (or elementary education) be willing to drive a LOT, and would need to be a good reader of people. There is a 3 month intensive training period, as well. I would have to have a good memory - there are lots of regs to learn!

 My third is a a state (and national) organization – Head Start. The goals of this organization are to provide a healthy start for children whose families meet the income guidelines. In addition to child care and preschool, Head Start helps families receive health, dental, food, and shelter services. This organization is probably the most well-known in the early education field. I would like to be a director for Head Start. If I were to seek employment with Head Start, I would need a sincere desire to teach others to help themselves. Head Start tends to hire parents from their programs, giving them training and a potential career in the ECE field.

Unfortunately, there are no openings in any of the positions I mentioned :  (

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 8!

My most passionate hope for my future as an early childhood professional is to become a more effective advocate for children and families in my community.

It has been wonderful working with all of you in this class!

I have learned so much from you through your discussion posts and blogs. We all bring our own perspective to the early childhood field and it has helped me very much to tap into that while learning about anti-bias education. Best wishes to you all as you complete the last course in the program. I really can not believe we will be all done with our Master's degree program in 8 short weeks! Wow!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

I chose to focus my blog assigment on the country of Nepal because my friend volunteered in an orphanage there last year - something I would love to do if I was ever able to free my life up enough to do it!
From what I gathered in reading the UNICEF website on Nepal, gender discrimination is alive and well in that country...and it is apparent in all aspects of life.

In fact, there is a wide gap between women and men when it comes to adequate access to health care, nutrition, education - or even basic participation in decision-making for themselves or their children. Sadly, infant mortality is much higher for girls, and illiteracy is far more common among women than men. Many rural women live in severe poverty, without any means of improving conditions for themselves and their families. Within households women often have less to eat than men. Insufficient calorie intake for the women leads directly to chronic malnutrition in the infants they nurse.

Lack of economic opportunity has resulted in many of the most productive members of households to migrate and leave the villages. As a result more and more women have been heading households alone and taking on the burden of sustaining the rural economy. In fact, women constitute more than 60 per cent of the agricultural labor force but have little access to land, production technology and training.

Nepal’s Millennium Development Goals progress report (2005) estimates that the country is likely to reach by 2015 the targets for reducing poverty, child mortality, tuberculosis, and increasing access to improved drinking water, but is unlikely to do so for universal primary education or halting HIV and AIDS. The goals for hunger, gender equality, and maternal health would require additional and very substantial efforts.  (UNICEF, 2011)

Given the extraordinary effort involved in simply surviving in Nepal, it is no wonder there is so little push for girls to acquire education.
If I were a young girl in Nepal, I might feel that I wasn't as important as the boys are. I would feel that it was unfair, but that I had no power to change it. Even if I did have the chance to get an education, I might feel that it had little value and that my efforts wouldn't be supported by my family or community.
As an early childhood professional, I find the circumstances endured by Nepalize females to be disturbing and depressing. I wish I could help. Reading about their struggles strengthens my resolve to ensure that I am providing the best possible early childhood experience for children of both genders at my preschool.


UNICEF (2011). Retrieved from:

Boys in uniform waiting for the school bus

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Sexualization of Early Childhood

This is a really alarming and depressing subject. The media constantly bombards children with the message that girls have to be sexy to gain acceptance. According to Levin and Kilbourne, children are bombarded from a very early age with graphic messages about sexiness from the media (2009).  In my opinion, this is because the media is still controlled primarily by men. As more women attain positions of power in the media world, I really hope this skewed and extremely damaging value system will change.

On the other hand, some parents really buy into the sexualization of their young daughters. The television show Toddlers and Tiaras delves into the world of child ‘beauty’ pageants. These young children are dressed provocatively, and made up to look like tiny little tramps. I just can not imagine those impressionable little girls emerging from this lifestyle with healthy self esteem and high moral standards.

As Early Childhood professionals, we always focus on giving children a healthy start to life. We want them to be proud of who they are and accepting of others - regardless of what they look like. This is in direct contrast to many of the messages they get from the media. Hopefully, we can give the children in our care such positive self identity that they’ll be much less vulnerable to those messages.

Levin, D. E.& Kilbourne, J. (2009). [Introduction]. So sexy so soon: The new sexualized childhood and what parents can do to protect their kids (pp. 1–8). New York: Ballantine Books. Retrieved from: