Friday, March 9, 2012

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community

My first organization is Pathways For Children. They are located in my city -  Gloucester, Ma.. The goal of Pathways is to offer a quality early childhood experience to children whose families would otherwise not be able to afford it. They really make a difference in the lives of many children. Pathways For Children gets a lot of grants. They get the rest of their money through fund-raising. LOTS of fund-raising.. I would be interested in employment with Pathways For Children as a program director. If I were to work for Pathways, I would need to be very well versed in grant-writing, and willing to fund raise pretty much year-round.

My second is a state organization – the Dept. of Early Education and Care. This organization is responsible for setting and enforcing the rules and regulations for child care in MA. In order to open a child care center, preschool, after school program, or summer camp, a licensor from the EEC must make a visit to determine if you meet state standards for space, staff, and policies. I feel they do a good job of ensuring a safe environment for the children in Massachusetts. I would like to be hired as a Licensor. In order to gain employment with the EEC, I would need a BA in early childhood education (or elementary education) be willing to drive a LOT, and would need to be a good reader of people. There is a 3 month intensive training period, as well. I would have to have a good memory - there are lots of regs to learn!

 My third is a a state (and national) organization – Head Start. The goals of this organization are to provide a healthy start for children whose families meet the income guidelines. In addition to child care and preschool, Head Start helps families receive health, dental, food, and shelter services. This organization is probably the most well-known in the early education field. I would like to be a director for Head Start. If I were to seek employment with Head Start, I would need a sincere desire to teach others to help themselves. Head Start tends to hire parents from their programs, giving them training and a potential career in the ECE field.

Unfortunately, there are no openings in any of the positions I mentioned :  (


  1. Ellen, I have never heard of these organizations. Thanks for bringing them to light.

  2. It's ok that there aren't any position openings at this time, it just gives you extra time to get the extra experience you need!

  3. Hi Ellen,
    You picked three great organizations. I am sorry that they are not hiring right now. I know that there are many places that are not hiring right now because of the economy. I have tried applying to many pre-schools and many schools are saying that they are cutting back on hiring because the number of children attending pre-school has decreased due to people losing their jobs and cutting back on expenses.
