Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time Well Spent...

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. ~Frederick Douglass

One of the most important lessons I have learned throughout this degree program is that we must look past our own biases in order to listen and learn with an open mind.

We must set goals for our work with children, and make sure we are staying focused on these goals. Only then will be able to assess our effectiveness and make changes, if necessary, to better meet the needs of our students and their families.

We must strive to stay abreast of new developments, research, and theories relating to early education and care. By keeping informed of relevant information, we can offer our students the best possible environments for exploring and learning safely and effectively.

 I belong to a local organization that is devoted to providing resources to the needy in our city. As a member of the Partnership for Parents and Families, my child care center is connected with mental health professionals, doctors, fuel and rent assistance organizations, hunger relief organizations, and other resources.  Eventually, my goal is to team up with the Partnership and use my M.S in Early Childhood Studies to offer workshops and trainings to other providers in the community. The courses at Walden have been extremely helpful in helping me focus on where I want to help, what qualities I will need to provide that help, and how to put it all together.

 I would like to give a big thanks to all of you who have shared this journey with me. I wish you all the best of luck as you continue your work in the early education field.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

World Vision is a worldwide organization that relies primarily on private/public sponsorship to help meet their goal of assisting children all over the world. This organization serves over 100 million children in nearly 100 countries.  The World Vision organization strives to help meet the basic needs of children, in addition to providing them with a good education. This organization does not have any job opportunities that I am qualified for because they only seem to have corporate positions. Available. For more information, you can visit their website at

Save the Children is a very large organization that serves over 120 nations by helping poverty-stricken children and their families. The organization strives to assist these children by protecting them from exploitation. They provide needy families with housing, medical, and education benefits. Some of the populations they help have been greatly affected by natural disasters, wars, and ethnic cleansings. In order to be a successful member of this organization, it would be imperative to be a real ‘hands on’ worker and have excellent communication skills. There are some openings for volunteers in the Washington, DC area.

The World Forum Foundation is an organization which brings early childhood educators from all over the globe together to brainstorm ideas and launch projects that affect children worldwide.  At World Forum gatherings people come together to launch global projects on specific issues and topics. Current projects focus on AIDS and young children, peace education, teacher education, and immigration and young children. In order to be a member of this group, one would have to possess a real desire to improve early childhood education on a global basis. There are no job openings with the World Forum Foundation at this time.