Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

1. Share some of the ways you noticed that homophobia and heterosexism permeate the world of young children including books, movies, toys, stores, culture of early childhood centers, and schools.

Most children’s dramatic play accessories are very gender-specific, and geared to portray heterosexual relationships only. Traditional children’s books show girls playing with dolls and boys playing with balls or trucks. The mother is doing the domestic work, and dad is off at work. Movies and television programs portray the typical family as having a female mother and a male father.
This just isn’t an accurate portrayal of real life anymore. There are more and more racially blended families, same sex parents, and both parents work outside the home these days. It would behoove all aspects of the media to evolve along with society.

2. How you would respond to a parent/family member who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child?

I would point out that I base my teacher choices on education, experience, and how well the candidate interacts with children, parents, and staff - NOT on his or her sexual preference. I would also point out that everyone who works with children is required to pass a CORI, and that discriminatory hiring practices are illegal, period.